Since I was a small child, I've had reoccurring and continuing dreams and most of them - especially now that they've started again - seem to be a continuation of dreams from childhood. I'm not sure if it's my unconscious mind making sense of the conscious and the world around me, or if it's like I'm envisioning an parallel world. AS a child, I remember dreaming of the property my parents and I used to live on and on part of the land, I'd always be walking around with my mom but it was always overcast, foggy, and the land had small bodies of water of various shapes on the property and I'd always feel so cautious of the water because I knew they were very deep. Yet, that property didn't have any sort of water, ponds, etc on it. In 2000, when I was 10, we moved out and lived with my grandmother until our new house was built on another piece of land my parents bought. As I continued to grow and we moved into the new house, I'd dream of going in our upstairs and it would be much larger than usual and had more rooms, etc. I knew it was our house but it always looked so different in the dream but every time I'd dream of going upstairs, it would be the same dream usually and always looked the same...and the same thing for the garage but instead of walking out into a garage, it would always be an entrance to a cavern system and I recall feeling terrified to look up because it was always so dark and so high up. My dreams were always connected to where I had deep connections, and I'd have repeats of same dreams or continuing ones. When I got into my 20's, the dreams stopped. Now a decade later, they're back. I'll be 33 next week and the dreams started happening again just a few months ago. This time in my dreams, I'm traveling to places around my state - which I've also had before and the dreams look exactly the same as they did when I first had them as a teen- or I'm out of town visiting places I've been before and you've guessed it....they don't look like the places in our known reality. I've also been seeing places I love to visit. It's always the same how they always look different yet I know where I am in those dreams. Now as an adult, it feels like I'm almost leaving my body at night to continue living --or so it seems. I can feel these dreams deep in my core and even though at times I don't remember the dreams, I feel them and it's like I know where I was in my dreams and what I was doing. Anyone have any insight to this?? Anybody have similar experiences, etc? These feel too real to just be dreams.
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Hi Sarah! I know its not much help but I used to have the same reoccuring dream when I was a child about a pond in a forest prerve near my childhood house that you can drive past; in my dream it was always much larger than it is in person and my moms car would be sinking in the pond and id be trapped inside by myself and the pond water was red like blood. After I moved out of my childhood city, the dreams stopped for years but they did start again about 10 years later. Same exact dream though, nothing different. I could never pin point why I was having that dream and it seemed to happen randomly. Im 33 now and havent had that dream in a looong time. I think its super interesting whats happening with yours and im sorry im not a help. Im sure theres others who can relate better to you but I thought youd like to know you not the only one with these reoccuring dreams at least! :)